Ministry Teams

Elders & Deacons

Meet our ministry teams.

Servant Leaders, following Jesus' discipleship.
Christian Formation

Elders ~ Christine Khan & Wayne Lowe

Our purpose is to guide seekers and disciple believers to a spiritual commitment and maturity in Christ.
Congregational Care

Elders ~ Susan Martini & Bud Warner

Our mission is caring for God's people by maintaining and nurturing relationships.

Elders ~ Allan Derr & Jerry Gleason

We maintain and care for our facilities so they are safe and available for use.
Mission and Outreach

Elders ~ Jenn Hunt &  Anne-Marie Hasstedt 

The Missions team provides financial support and direct involvement for our local, national and global Christ-centered programs outside of MCPC.

Elders ~ Rocky Gaines & Scott Ross

We strive to enhance the spiritual health of the congregation by caring for and supporting the minister and paid staff.

Elders ~ Amanda Armstrong & Cynthia Anderson

We are responsible for managing the monies for the MCPC General Fund.
Worship & Music

Elders ~ Jay Crick, Jr. & Vinny Maffia

We assist the Pastor and Music Director in providing distinct worship services that are Spirit-filled.

Moderator ~ Mike Guyote

We provide care and support for the congregation.
Prayer Shawls

Barb Sims

Shawls are created through knitting, crocheting, and other techniques. Prayers are said as each one is being made. These are given for those who are sick.
Prayer Chain

Marcee Geyer, Jamie Montoya, and Robert Ross

We pray for many concerns received from friends and family.
Stephen Ministry

Marilyn Francis & Peggy Schreyer

Stephen Ministers strive to be patient listeners, persons of faith & prayer, representing the caring presence of Jesus

Sharon Kaip

Before and after the worship service, our Greeters and Coffee Hosts welcome you with coffee, refreshments and conversation.