Sing to the LORD, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples. For great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods. For all the gods of the nations are idols, but the LORD made the heavens.
Psalm 96

Our Mission
The Worship and Music Ministry Team (WMMT) assists the Pastor and Music Director in providing worship services that are Spirit-filled and adaptive, speaking to the congregation and community through Scripture, music, and other creative enhancements of worship. WMMT is responsible for the required functional elements necessary to conduct inspiring worship services in consonance with our Christian faith in the Presbyterian tradition.
The Team
The WMMT supports all aspects surrounding worship. Our team members include our Pastor, John Anderson, who finds great joy helping people recognize God’s presence in their lives and how they can share in a life that is led by the Holy Spirit. Stephanie McCuffin is our Director of Music. Her musical talents lead and inspire our Choir and Praise Team, along with our congregation. Glenda Herman is our pianist/organist whose gifts with the keyboard are greatly appreciated. Vinny Maffia and Jay Crick, Jr. are the WMMT Elders, committed to supporting everyone to make our worship experience excellent.

We welcome you to join our team.
There are many aspects to creating a meaningful worship experience.
If you would like to play an active part, these are just a few of the roles where we could use your help:
If you would like to play an active part, these are just a few of the roles where we could use your help:
- Sing in the Choir or the Praise Team
- Play a musical instrument
- Media or Sound
- Usher or Greeter
- Creating Power Point Presentations for Announcements or Worship