Spiritual Formation
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
Psalm 119:105
GIFT Women's Bible Study
Thursdays, 9:30am-11:15am
Where: Adult Education Classroom
The Women's GIFT (Growing In Faith Together) Bible study will begin again on Thursday, January 9, 2025. We meet from 9:30-11:15 AM on Thursdays in the Adult Education Room. This term we will be doing Kristi McLelland's study, Luke in the Land. This study consists of video teaching and a workbook. All women are invited to join us in this time of learning.
For more information contact the church office during normal business hours.
2024 Workshops
Medical Advance
Directives Workshop
Sunday, September 29, 11:15am-12:15pm
Where: Adult Education Classroom
Instructors: Rev Eric Bergland and Dr. Dave Geyer
As a person created in God's image, you are infinitely valuable and your wishes are worthy of respect. Having medical advance directives- which allow you to designate who you trust to speak for you and what kind of medical care you want- in place is one of the best ways to make sure your wishes regarding medical treatment are known, and they are a means of giving your loved ones a gift of peace and confidence in stressful and difficult situations. Join Eric Bergland (hospital chaplain) and Dave Geyer (medical doctor) to learn how to establish your own medical advance directives so that your dignity as one of God's children is always honored!
Growing Strong
in God’s Family
Sundays, 11:15am – 12:45pm, at the church: October 6 – December 15
Where: Adult Education Classroom
Cost of Book: $9.00
Instructors: Bob and June Ewell
Book 1 of The Navigators’ 2:7 Series
2:7? The name is based on the Scripture verse Colossians 2:7—the statement of the Apostle Paul to a New Testament church: “Rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”
Growing Strong in God’s Family is an 11-week discipleship training program designed to build you up in Christ and strengthen your faith. It’s the first of three courses and includes instruction in practical Bible study techniques, Scripture memory skills, and how to have an exciting devotional life. The program is designed for church people just like you. Hundreds of thousands of people have completed this training since its inception in 1970. Bob has been teaching it since 1976. Join us!
2:7? The name is based on the Scripture verse Colossians 2:7—the statement of the Apostle Paul to a New Testament church: “Rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”
Growing Strong in God’s Family is an 11-week discipleship training program designed to build you up in Christ and strengthen your faith. It’s the first of three courses and includes instruction in practical Bible study techniques, Scripture memory skills, and how to have an exciting devotional life. The program is designed for church people just like you. Hundreds of thousands of people have completed this training since its inception in 1970. Bob has been teaching it since 1976. Join us!
Exploring Mark, Manuscript-Style
Mondays 5:30pm-7pm,
October 28th - December 9th
(no meeting Dec.2nd)
Where: MCPC Fellowship Hall
Instructor: Cynthia Anderson
Manuscript Bible study is a type of inductive study that is "hands-on", interactive, and FUN. It relies on small and large group involvement, encouraging curiosity about what the author was trying to say to the original audience and an exploration of how that message would have been understood. Using the basic steps-- Observe, Interpret, and Apply, you will be amazed at what you notice; even familiar passages yield new insights when studied this way. God uses these insights to challenge our thinking, expand our hearts, and deepen our faith in Jesus. Whether you are new to reading Scripture or consider yourself a biblical scholar, this style of gathering around Scripture and letting it speak for itself is accessible and can be transformative! New insights, deep discipleship, and encouraging fellowship are all part of the experience.
Why the Gospel of Mark? Because this Gospel is likely our earliest account of Jesus, written while people who were eyewitnesses of Jesus' life and ministry were still alive. The narrative is gripping. Jesus is provocative. A deep dive into the Gospel of Mark brings us face to face with who Jesus claimed to be, and how those closest to him responded. What will be your response?
No advance preparation is required to participate in any session, but sessions do build on one another. Plan to be present for all six sessions. And come curious!
Why the Gospel of Mark? Because this Gospel is likely our earliest account of Jesus, written while people who were eyewitnesses of Jesus' life and ministry were still alive. The narrative is gripping. Jesus is provocative. A deep dive into the Gospel of Mark brings us face to face with who Jesus claimed to be, and how those closest to him responded. What will be your response?
No advance preparation is required to participate in any session, but sessions do build on one another. Plan to be present for all six sessions. And come curious!
Learning to Disagree
Sundays 11:15am – 12:15pm, October 27th – November 24th
Where: MCPC Fellowship Hall
Cost of Book: $18.00
Instructors: Rev. John Anderson and Rev. Eric Bergland
The Surprising Path to Navigating Differences with Empathy and Respect
This is a discussion of this book written by John Inazu. Inazu is a Christian and the Professor of Law and Religion at George Washington University in St Louis. Learning to Disagree seeks to help people disagree better. “Embracing our convictions with both confidence and humility is a way of being that can be practiced over time. Learning to be a good neighbor, friend, and coworker across deep differences is like learning to walk. It is an embodied way of relating to others. It requires us to embrace empathy in practical ways, to allow others to have the last word, to show kindness to those who may not even like us, and to seek our common humanity in daily life (adapted from the Preface). In this way we can still appreciate one another and find value in others’ perspectives, even when we disagree. Inazu illustrates each chapter with nuanced dilemmas encountered by students in his classes. He helps us to appreciate the complexity of perspectives and thereby become better conversation partners.
This is a discussion of this book written by John Inazu. Inazu is a Christian and the Professor of Law and Religion at George Washington University in St Louis. Learning to Disagree seeks to help people disagree better. “Embracing our convictions with both confidence and humility is a way of being that can be practiced over time. Learning to be a good neighbor, friend, and coworker across deep differences is like learning to walk. It is an embodied way of relating to others. It requires us to embrace empathy in practical ways, to allow others to have the last word, to show kindness to those who may not even like us, and to seek our common humanity in daily life (adapted from the Preface). In this way we can still appreciate one another and find value in others’ perspectives, even when we disagree. Inazu illustrates each chapter with nuanced dilemmas encountered by students in his classes. He helps us to appreciate the complexity of perspectives and thereby become better conversation partners.
Twisted on the Vine
Women’s Retreat
Saturday, October 26, 8:45am-3:45pm
Where: Benet Hill Monastery, Colorado Springs
Cost: $35
October 26th is the Fall women's retreat! Registration begins in October, but be sure to write this on your calendar now. Cynthia Anderson, an experienced teacher of manuscript Bible study, is teaching us how to connect with God's Word at a deeper level. This day will be filled with spiritual renewal and being with God individually, as well as together. All women are welcome and encouraged to come.